MUNICH: One of my favourite assignments is to do window decorations, especially for the Munich based luxury fashion store THERESA. The shop is located right in the city centre and has a beautiful large window front that needs strong visuals and is a fantastic showcase for my illustrations of the new collections you find inside.
I start with looking for the most impressive visual of the new season and than the colour schemes, different movements, postures and textures which inspire my final sketches for the windows. I love to work with patterns or objects that become a pattern, like for example the pink boxes on IRMA’S bike. In the end I come up with a little drawn fashion story, which hopefully inspires people to walk straight into the shop to buy the latest fashion.
It makes me happy to see that in Germany illustration is so strong at the moment and that many other stores take their inspiration from THERESA and work with drawn images. Follow me and see what’s coming up next …