LONDON: Because there is nothing more beautiful than a bouquet made of hand-picked flowers and greens. It is very easy and your flower arrangements will look like no others. IRMA shows you her easy steps how to go about it.
If you do not have your own garden or balcony, visit a farmer’s market and buy the flowers you like. It is always difficult to find nice leaves and branches. Ask your flower dealer where to get the ones from the woods, all rough and natural; he can probably organize that for you – or spend a day in the countryside and pick what you like.
Arrange all different flowers in front of you and clean the stems from leaves or roots.
Use a flower sponge or vase to arrange your flowers. It is very easy with a flower sponge as you can stick the flowers into the sponge to make a nice arrangement. Just put the sponge, filled with cold, fresh water, into a nice bowl or plate and stick flowers into it.
Start with a dominant colour of flowers, then add green leaves and toward the end fill the gap with already blooming flowers to accentuate your bouquet. You can always fill the holes with leaves or flowers, just so it is nicely balanced.
Don’t forget to refill the sponge with fresh, cold water daily, and the flowers will keep beautiful for a couple of days.