Our last minute gift guide for Mother’s Day is all about empowerment of women.
What makes a woman self-confident and strong? Of course, her inner strength and self-esteem and who is a better person to look up to than your mum.
IRMA´S selected gift ideas that make you feel and look empowering
limited edition for the UN Women National Comitee Germany 2018

By buying a set of this limited edition WITH LOVE by Babor 1 EUR goes in favour to the UN Women National Committee Germany. The goal of the organization is to equalize education, upbringing and working possibilities for women. Besides the set comes with a selection of BEST OFF Babor 7 ampoules which a perfect for a weekly cure or a once in a while skin treatment.
Active Night, Lift Express, Hydra plus…. Etch. Give you some ideas about what an ampoule cure can to for your skin and doesn’t great self-esteem starts with healthy, glowing skin?

Be the first and surprise your mum with a perfume that has not been officially launched yet. Welcome to the Preview of the latest scent by Haute Jewellery house BOUCHERON QUATRE ROSE. This rose infused scent will touch her heart and makes her think of you whenever she uses it. Think of perfume when used in as an elegant way of sending love and strength to your surroundings It is all about grooming and taking care of oneself, which gives womanhood such a powerful advantage.
Take part in our Instagram raffle @irmasworld and post an emoji that reminds you most of your mum.

You don’t need many fashion pieces, but accessories of highest quality and a strong presence. One of our favourite colours is red and mixed with rose it becomes almost a symbol for womanhood in a very strong way. We love to add some silver bangles in their latest geometric forms

A tray symbolizes in many cultures the art of serving, might it be tea or breakfast or your favourite cocktail. Take it as a gesture and make serving a strong gesture, not only towards your mum but anybody and yourself.
I love the gesture of getting offered a fresh mint tea when travelling around northern Africa or the Emirates, think of the tea rituals in Japan or a steamed towel to clean your hands when entering a house in Bali. Make it a custom wherever you live, serving can be empowering.