There are times when very unexpected things all of a sudden become present and realistic. This has not always to be painful, but it is definitely a change of situation which can do you harm and might be overwhelming. Especially for women’s mental health there are not many psychological specialists who lead a way in therapy and action to help women over a loss and even more important, how to set new beginnings.
We had a chat with Corinna Bintz, psychologist based in Munich who combines a simple yet effective method and a 24/7 helpline for her clients.
IRMA: Tell us about the concept of Trennung Juchhe.
CORINNA BINTZ: Trennung Juchhe helps women, who want to be happy again after a painful separation from a partner. The concept is developed based on elements of psychology, neurobiology, communication and rhetoric teaching as well as charisma training.
IRMA: How does a first meeting with you looks like?
CORINNA BINTZ: The first meeting is a half hour appointment to get acquainted of each other. I listen carefully to the story of my client, ask questions and show how I could help. This meeting takes place in my coaching room in Munich and it is free of charge.
IRMA: What are the most frequent problems clients have?
CORINNA BINTZ: My clients are shaken in their self-confidence, have self-doubts, are overstrained by the new situation. They have to take care all by themselves, are furious, lonely, feel guilty towards their kids and suffer from the pain of separation.
IRMA: Your method is based on a neurological concept; how does that work?
CORINNA BINTZ: My clients are in a situation of emotional stress caused of the separation. The stress prevents to enter into social contacts and close bonds. It makes it impossible to focus on the one ability. To start happily in a new life, it is needed to solve the stress situation first.
Therefor we measure the stress with a 5 Minute heart rate variability measurement. Based on the results we create individual breathing, focusing and body exercises.
The cause of the stress we find out over a 24 hours measurement of the heart rate variability. We discuss the results very deeply and reframe the negative emotional situations so that the emotional stress is not given any more and the pain of the separation gets less and less.
IRMA: Can you use that method also for problems and imbalance in other areas.
CORINNA BINTZ: Of course, you could. But I am specialized in women who wants to be happy again after a separation. I had to deal with this situation in my own life and so I can empathize with my clients.
IRMA: What is the first question one has to face when coming to you?
CORINNA BINTZ: Are you willing to be happy again and work towards this goal on yourself, daily?
IRMA: What is different of your method to a regular coach or psychological consultation?
CORINNA BINTZ: Compared to others I am there for my clients 7 days a week. They can contact me daily by SMS or mail to ask questions about the exercises they have to do every day and share their results. I share the opinion that reaching the target it is only possible with constant exchange. My clients are not alone, I am there for them.
IRMA: A book you recommend reading?
CORINNA BINTZ: To understand the impact of the autonomic nervous system on our emotions I recommend the German book “Das Parasympathikus-Prinzip” of Ursula Eder and Franz J. Sperlich and the English book “The Polyvagal Theory” of Stephen W. Porges.
IRMA: A routine, tip or inspiration you can give to someone who is in turn of a transition in his/her life.
CORINNA BINTZ: I am pleased to share with you the exercise called “Schunkelübung”. With that you can relax your autonomic nervous system: Sit at the front part of your chair or your bed edge. Your arms hang loose to the sides, your legs stand parallel to each other. You don’t cross arms, legs and feet.
Now you begin to sway your shoulders from one side to the other. Normally it will turn in an automatism after a few seconds. Close your eyes and feel your body moving. If you feel uncomfortable with closed eyes. Don’t worry. Let them open. Let your body move in his own rhythm from side to side. You should sway for at least 6 minutes and at most 15 minutes. Set an alarm clock, so you can put your full concentration on the swaying. You will feel more focused and emotionally released afterwards. You can practice the “Schunkelübung” up to twice a day.
IRMA: Thank you, it works!