This has been a week of resetting and repositioning myself. I could also write that it was a week about food, although I followed the FX Mayr diet, not the really hard one, as I did not want to lose weight, but the 7-day mild cleansing diet. To understand how simple it is, FX Mayr is about abstinence, but the little food you get is of the highest quality.

The high quality standard applies to all departments of the Original FX Mayr Clinic. Less on your plate, but deliciously prepared according to the FX Mayr cuisine, no harsh medicine to cure today’s health problems, but a holistic or rather preventative, long-term health. No long days, but an early night and no fuss, just the bare essentials of Dr Franz Xaver Mayr’s (1875-1965) basic theories, which are still of value in today’s medicine. According to Mayr, the key to health lies in the gut, which is now proven by ongoing scientific studies.
But what makes this retreat so unique? For me it is the detailed diagnosis of your general wellbeing. From the very beginning, you will receive a targeted and personalised health plan for the week. This plan is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Although most people come for the detox and fasting, for me it is more about the rebalancing or setting of the mind.
For me, a week is enough to take me out of my busy schedule and life. It is the little things that add up. Talking to my personal trainer, who has osteopathic and TCM knowledge, which leads me to the coach and the Shiatzu or kinesiology therapist or doctor. The daily exchange with my personal doctor, who also has many ideas on how I can not only make the cure a pleasant experience, but also how I can integrate some of the concepts of FX Mayr into my personal lifestyle when I am back home.

It is like a circular movement that goes hand in hand and this must be due to the very friendly staff, from doctors to therapists, led by Dr Ursula Muntean-Rock (read the interview here), who seem to respect and value each other’s work, which becomes beneficial to the guests.
I also noticed that The Original FX Mayr is a place where you feel safe and embedded, as a woman, which might add to a comfortable feeling when staying alone. The rather small capacity (only 60 beds) is another advantage and creates a cosy and well thought-out atmosphere.

Although you have the most modern laboratory facilities and techniques, it feels more like visiting your aunt’s house on the beautiful Wörthersee.
You will find your own way as the week progresses. It is not the doctors telling you what to do, but you finding solutions through discussion that makes this week the most beneficial for you.

Once you have overcome the craving for food, the headaches, the occasional exhaustion or bad mood swings, you will be free to enjoy every moment of it. Not only the sports classes, but also the winter swims from the pier, the evening saunas at the bathing house and even the menu seems to bring you back to indulge your senses with lobster on Thursday and duck on Saturday, in small portions of course, but so deliciously cooked that you will enjoy every bite.
But by now you understand and appreciate that less is actually much more.