One positive aspect of the pandemic is that we are finally starting to look inside ourselves.
We understand that our health needs to be in good condition to maneuver any crises, pandemic or life changing event. Therefor we speak to Dr. Ursula Muntean-Rock, chief physician of the Original F.X. Mayr health center on Lake Wörthersee. Dr. Muntean-Rock dynamically combines western and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which she learned in long studies in Beijing and which she has now practiced with over 20 years of experience.
IRMA: Many of us have been in recurring lockdown for weeks. Which parts of the Original FX Mayr cure can be practically implemented at home in order to reduce stress and maintain a balance?
• Regular eating times, no usage of mobile devices, tablets or television while eating, be aware of chewing your food, at least 15 times, before swallowing in order to relieve the digestion system.
• Don’t drink 30 Minutes before, while eating as well as half an hour afterwards.
• Avoid sugar, gluten, alcohol and coffee for 14-21 days.
• Drink 2 liters of water/herbal tea in that time and
• use alkaline powder 1 tsp/daily in a glass of water to clearify the acidity of your body
• Have a walk outside for 30-40 minutes daily, if possible in nature surrounding you (parks, woods, fields)
• Sleep at least 7 hours per night
JASMIN KHEZRI: How does the FX Mayr cure fit into our time?
DR. URSULA MUNTEAN-ROCK: Besides Covid- we all live a very stressful life. We grew up to live and work in a very flexible way, regarding our eating times as well as our sleeping hours at night. Fixed times in our schedule to uptake our food or have a walk to „rest“ our busy mind where neither common nor planned.
In times like those, a FX Mayr Cure is as a time out of everyday food/drinks and lifestyle, a very useful instrument to press the „restart“ button. 7-21 days of abstaining things like sweets, alcohol, coffee or white grain – quickly shows us how we are able to feel healthy and energetic if we have a look at the food we uptake every day.
It is a quick and remarkably convincing method to show the people, that they do need to find a balance between reaching job goals and recreation and healthy lifestyle in order to keep well.
JASMIN KHEZRI: You studied TCM in Beijing. How do Chinese and Western medicine complement each other with regard to a pandemic like COVID-19?
DR. URSULA MUNTEAN-ROCK: Every disease needs acute help to handle the symptoms that occur with it, but also need a close look why this illness could happen and spread. Each person has it’s own body components, some of them are very strong others weaker.
Acute and life-threatening symptoms are definitely cured better and faster by western medicine, like emergency or intensive care. The underlying weaknesses, like a poor immune system, the tendency to catch every cold, or recurring inflammation like chronic sinusitis, are better handled with Chinese Medicine.
Used together, they are a perfect match.
JASMIN KHEZRI: What advice would you give to someone who has had COVID-19 and now needs to regenerate?
• Take your time to recover
• Start physical activity slowly and with caution
• „Detox“ the body with fasting (sugar, gluten, alcohol, coffee) and „rebuild“ up a good microbiome/immune system (probiotics)
• Then „recharge“ the storages: Have a fullblood analysis done, to check your minerals and vitamin storages and refill the deficiencies
• If any symptoms occur (like ongoing fatigue, chest pain, palpitations) let a heart check be done.
JASMIN KHEZRI: How do you regenerate?
DR. URSULA MUNTEAN-ROCK: I have a close look on my work/life balance. Spending time in nature helps me to put my mind to rest and regenerate. Besides cooking healthy dishes, you will find me on a daily walk with my dog in the woods.
The most important thing for me is, to watch myself honestly, so that after times of depletion of my body I recharge regularly in order to stay well in everyday life.