Julie Merriman Wray, the founder of Olivine Atelier, has been dreaming up fragrances and cosmetics to help women look, feel and smell more beautiful for over 20 years now. Her obsession began when she was still a young girl. She has carefully developed a range of perfume blends, but Olivine is more than just a line of fragrances. It’s a celebration of self love, because, as she says: “If you are madly in love with yourself then you can do anything and be anything.”
The latest addition to her collection is the beauty mist Love & Roses, a blend of natural anti-ageing beautifiers, essential oils, flower essences and waters to soften and tone skin and hair. It’s the perfect blend of aromatherapy and powerful anti-ageing ingredients found in nature such as Rhodiola Rosea root extract and Moringa seed extract
Our guest editor Zoe Warncke had a chat with Julie.
ZOE WARNCKE: What part of your beauty routine do you enjoy most?
JULIE MERRIMAN-WRAY: Definitely using a toner (specifically Love + Roses!), it’s the one time during my skin care routine where I just close my eyes and take a deep breath. That action is probably more anti-aging than the priciest products!
ZOE WARNCKE: What skin care trend can be ignored?
JULIE MERRIMAN-WRAY: I think face scrubs can be ignored. Most of us use them too often and scrub too hard!
ZOE WARNCKE: What skin care trend should not be ignored? And why?
JULIE MERRIMAN-WRAY: Oil cleansing helps with everything from breakouts to fine lines. It’s also inexpensive if you make it yourself!
Mostly I just use jojoba oil mixed with a drop or two of Immortelle Essential Oil blend from doTerra. I mostly keep it pretty simple!
ZOE WARNCKE: What makes you feel comfortable in your own skin?
JULIE MERRIMAN-WRAY: Every self-care action I take leads to me feeling more comfortable in my skin: exercising, massage, dry brushing, taking baths… it all adds up!