I belong to the group of women who have always been fascinated by make-up of all kinds. My bathroom basically consists of an overloaded cabinet and I simply cannot pass a make-up counter without buying at least one new lipstick. I hardly used all those finds (except tinted day cream & nude lipstick) until some years ago when I noticed that using a dash of make-up can actually make you feel pretty good about yourself.
To be honest, except on Sundays, I now wear make-up every day as among others I found out that little helpers like red coloured cream eyeshadow make my dark eyes look wide awake or a pinch of red lip colour in the right tone whitens my teeth. I guess one of the benefits of creating stories and artworks around my illustrated character IRMA is meeting make-up artists and founders of beauty companies on a daily basis and therefore gathering a lot of insider tips and tricks while doing so.
This year Max Factor invited me to jointly work on a design collaboration for their improved “Miracle Touch” foundation.
Doing so, I was asked to create some illustrations of IRMA showing her in typical daily situations every woman knows and additionally I had the pleasure of trying some of the brand’s great new products during a photo shooting with Markus Jans, one of my favourite photographers around.
I also got to design an exclusive water carafe as a symbol for the importance of hydration during busy business days ‒ as water is the best remedy for your skin and therefore in my opinion another very important beauty tool apart from make-up. I drink at least 2 litres a day and love to use hydrating products that make my skin glow.
Even though I do not use a lot of make-up, there are some key application procedures and specifics about my daily make-up routine that I have developed over the years. Today, I want to share them with you as I find it really helpful to be well prepared at all times especially when being on the road:

I mostly use foundation ‒ not completely all over my face but different shades for separate areas. Using my fingers, I tap small bits of make-up onto red and irritated areas. I like a natural look with a little glow to highlight the benefits of my face and also use some concealer to hide blemishes.
Therefore, I apply a good skin preparation product like the Max Factor Miracle Prep Colour- Correcting + Cooling Primer as well as a good hydration cream. As mentioned, drinking lots of water throughout the day also sets the base for a healthy looking and glowing skin.
In the afternoon, when my eyes are getting tired and I still have to manage some appointments, I only add the caring Colour Elixir Lip Butter in a natural shade and some Volume Infusion Mascara by Max Factor for a small touch-up.

After work I like to walk back home strolling through the city. If I have less time, I take my bike back from the office through the Englischer Garten to relax, refresh my energy levels and clear my mind before meeting with friends or cooking dinner for my family.
From Korean women I learned to add layers of make-up during the day instead of taking everything off and applying it entirely new.
Therefore, I put some more of the Miracle Prep Pore Minimising + Mattifying Primer by Max Factor on top of my face to freshen it up adding some of the Miracle Touch Foundation to reduce signs of redness. Apart from a natural glow, I use some colour highlights for a stronger expression at night ‒ I love bold shades for my lips and cheeks like burgundy-berry tones or pinks.

Mostly I like to keep it simple when being on the road. I usually take the first flight in the morning and often have appointments straight after arrival. My clothes need to be comfy but still elegant – a statement coat, for example, always makes me feel good. Concerning my style especially red tones have been a big hit for me lately. As I mostly feel too tired in the morning to apply a full make-up look and do not have much time after landing, my trick is to perfectly prepare the face right before leaving home and only apply some concealer as well as the Max Factor Miracle Touch Foundation.
Then, shortly before touching ground, I use some Volume Infusion Mascara and Pastell Compact Blush to look fresh. Only right before the appointment, when getting out of the cab, I put on the Colour Elixir Lip Butter in the wonderful shade Matte Ruby Red to complete my look.