Holidays at Home

Something most of us are probably familiar with by now, but this time it’s different. The first lockdown was a completely new situation for all of us. We didn’t know much about the pandemic and listened carefully to government instructions.
Now it’s different, we are all COVID-19 specialists 😉  and we find one or the other loophole in order to avoid the regulations. But is that correct?

I think everyone has to decide for themselves. But remember that we all live in this world together. If we don’t tap into our strengths, it will take forever to return to the life we had before, or maybe never. But despite the gray weather in Northern Europe, we should be grateful to be at home. Wherever you live, in the city or in the country, there is always a favourite place that will give you energy and a good mood.

We put some ideas together to make your home the perfect holiday zone and enjoy the rest and comfort you can get out of it.

Happy holidays .

THE COUNTRYSIDE ESCAPE and vice versa if you live in the city, escape to the countryside for a long walk or go into your favorite city park when living outside of town. A change of scenery, even when not far away is healthy for your mind and body. Smell the earthy air when walking through the woods. Go off the path, explore and get lost. You will sleep like a baby when coming back home at night.



BAKING at home fills your house with love and besides a delicious smell. Even when you are not a creative person, working your hands through a dough is delightful and fun.



HOLIDAYS SKETCHBOOK This Christmas is likely to be very different than usual. Start with a journal or sketchbook to put in your thoughts, ideas, a recipe you might like, or someone else’s comment. Whatever will remind you of that special time a few years later.



BUCHE DE NOEL There are many ways you can order food these days. We love the idea of serving something traditional from another country, like the Buche de Noel, a typical Christmas cake served in France for the holidays. We ordered ours at Dompierre.



SIGHTSEEING Museums and many sights are closed, but you can enjoy them from outside. You will feel like being in a different city. A castle with a great park or botanical garden is the place to get your mind wandering. We visit Schloss Nymphenburg and went off the track to even see a deer in town.



SHOP LOCAL I like to know where things have their origin and I ordered our Festbraten at Havel Forst , a forest operation in Brandenburg managed by Moritz von Laffert and his lovely wife Natascha. They produce the most delicious sausages (WildKnacker) and have all the game meat of the season available for orders in Germany.


GET A DOG No, unless you’ve really thought about getting a dog and what it means to have one. All I can say is that it is a lot of work, but a dog is a great companion you feel very good with. It’s a calming buddy in your house and gets you off the couch or desk to recharge your batteries.