There is a Platinum Moment – the moment, when time seems to stand still and we either are getting ready for the new day to great us with its lights getting brighter and the darkness to fade- or the moment after a long day, when the light vanishes, and the blanket of the night starts to cover up all around us with it’s comforting stillness. These two moments have the most healing and rejuvenating effects for skin care and mind set.
La Prairie’s science skin care made a conscious effort to just use the purest and most effective ingredients for PLATINUM RARE. Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation is their latest innovation to slow down the maturing of skin. You can find their full range of this new skin care line at selected YBPN stores all over Germany. You can contact them via email for a consultation and testing of these unique products.
Or you can’t wait to treat yourself and have them send right to your home using their special delivery service.(Our recommend method in times of this pandemic, so you AND your skin stay healthy)
After cleansing my face in the morning with cold water and using a hot steam towel I start with the Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Elixir to prep my face. Followed by Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Cream. The cream has the colour of pure platinum particles which give your skin a glowing look and evens out fine lines.
You can add the Platinum Rare Haute–Rejuvenation Eye Cream with the serum or use them separately.
My tip: I love them cool and store my eye products in a fridge or a cooler spot in my bathroom.
If you like to start with just one product, I would choose the Rare Platinum Haute- Rejuvention Cream, for its richness, texture and effect you see immediately on your skin.
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