No pain, no gain! This statement is unnecessary when using the new Silk-épil 9 Flex by Braun, the world’s first epilator with a fully flexible head.
This ultimate epilation kit comes with everything around getting best results for a smooth hair removal, the ultimate beauty tool to add to your home spa rituals. We had a chat with dermatologist Dr. Melanie Hartman, about a perfect way to use the epilator and prep your hair removal in a very professional way.
Besides IRMA, alias me tested this new epilation tool and I expected a painful, stitchy experience but I have to say that it did not hurt at all. I love the mini light below the epilator that lets you catch all poils even in the trickiest areas, an easy to handle, quick epilator that also work with a special facial epilation perfectly at the most sensitive areas.
IRMA: Which method is less harsh on your skin when epilating, the wet or dry method?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: Warm water helps the skin to relax, promotes the blood circulation and stimulates the production of the body’s own substances, which make the skin more insensitive. This causes less pain, when plucking in a wet epilating way.
The final result does not make a difference on the skin.
IRMA: How can I prevent the hair from growing in under the skin?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: It is recommended to have a peeling once a week in order to prevent the hair from growing in under the skin. This removes dead skin cells, promotes the blood circulation and leads to an evenly and shiny complexion. A peeling also helps the skin to adopt better to revitalisational lotions. There should be at least one day between peeling and epilation, in order to prevent the skin from unnecessary straining.
IRMA: Regarding redness do you have an idea on how to pre-treat very sensitive skin and areas before epilation?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: When you have sensitive skin, you should use the trick with the hot water and epilate under the shower or in a warm bath. As mentioned above, due to the warmth the pores expand, and it is easier to pluck the hair directly. Epilation is perfect for sensitive skin because at the removal of the hairs the tweezers of the epilator just pulls exactly at the hair and doesn’t have a huge impact on the skin.
IRMA: Could you add a depilatory cream when using an epilator, for a longer lasting result?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: I wouldn’t recommend this. Epilation already is a long-term hair removing method and leads to smooth skin for up to 4 weeks. Moreover, the tweezers of the epilator need to grab the hair. With a good device it already works at a length of 0,5 mm but not with freshly removed hair.
For a long term result I would recommend epilating weekly at the beginning in order to catch every hair in each growth stage.
IRMA: Epilation can be painful, is there a method to avoid this pain, for example could I put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and cool the part I am going to epilate before?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: As I already mentioned in the beginning, warmth is more helpful than cold. Along with the positive effect for the skin, a warm bath relaxes our body and mind in general – perfect for women who are a little bit nervous before their first epilation. It makes sense to invest in a good device. Nowadays premium epilators have very well-developed epilating heads and tweezers, which reduce the pain to a minimum and pluck all the hairs with one pull.
IRMA: How about going into the sun after epilation?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: From the medical sight of things there is nothing against going into the sun after an epilation.
But I wouldn’t recommend this because it can cause redness depending on the skin type.
I would prefer to epilate in the afternoon. Any skin irritations disappear overnight, and you can present beautiful hairless legs.
IRMA: Could you use an epilation tool also on parts on your face, for example around your upper cheek bones.)
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: Sure, hair can be epilated everywhere on your body so also in your face.
But you should check before If your device is either a face epilator or if it has a precision attachment, which is made for smaller areas. This makes the epilation on your face more pleasant than it would be the case with a bigger attachment.
IRMA: Is there a supplement like Arnica you can take before epilation to avoid redness and skin irritation.
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: Especially on your legs the skin tends to be dry, because there are not that many sebaceous glands. That’s why it is always good to supply your skin with enough moisturizer after the epilation. For example, with a body crème or lotion.
A good tip is to treat your skin with a body oil within 5 minutes after the shower (including the epilation). This traps rest humidity in your skin and can also cause a light shine on your skin, which looks beautiful. When there is persistent redness Arnica and Aloe Vera can help indeed.
IRMA: When I want to use a self-tanning product, is it best to use before or after epilation?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: Along with your epilation I recommend a weekly peeling (one or two days before your epilation). After the peeling the horn scales are worn away which prepares your skin for the application of a self-tanning product. But you should avoid the application of a self-tanning product right after the epilation. I recommend using lotions and cremes after the epilation and self-tanning products the day after.
IRMA: Does regular exfoliation prevent the hair from re-growing? If so, which exfoliator do you recommend and how often can I exfoliate?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: A weekly peeling does not only make sense in order to remove dead skin cells, but also in order to prevent hair from growing under skin.
The preparation before the peeling is very important to get the best results: First you have to moisturize the parts you want to peel with warm water, for example your legs. That’s how you open your pores. For optimal results it is recommended to use a peeling brush.
With this brush you brush for example in slow circulating movements from your ankles upwards. Especially at the rough areas such as your legs, knees, arms and elbow you should be extra intensive. Even pressure helps with getting perfect results, so dead skin cells get removed and the blood circulation gets promoted without irritating or harming your skin. It is easier when you buy a epilator with a brush attachment for the handpiece so you can’t make any mistakes with the pressure during your peeling.
IRMA: Does dry body brushing has the same effect?
DR. MELANIE HARTMANN: No, the effect is not that good with a dry brush. Because in this case you need to apply strength and speed manually in order to have a good peeling result.
Sometimes too much strength can harm your skin. It is best to buy a device with a peeling brush attachment, which makes your work easier and gives you feedback when you use it too strong. I can‘t recommend dry peeling in general, because it causes skin irritations and it irritates your skin.
This article was supported by BRAUN