Getting dressed is so much easier with the right tunes


Our contributing DJ Maggy Smiss has put together a music compilation that makes it fun and easy to get dressed in minutes.

Listen to the new IRMAS MUSIC Playlist by Maggy Smiss. 


IRMA knows the right mood puts on the perfect shoe for the day.

  • Do not browse your Instagram account before getting dressed. Even when you are looking for inspiration on what to wear. Don’t copy cat your favourite street stylist, rather find what’s good for YOU.
  • Check out the weather conditions the day before and always put a look together starting with the perfect pair of shoes. A silk dress is fine even when it snows in combination with cool flat boots.
  • Underwear is key! Think first what you are wearing on top and then pick the perfect underwear and hosier. Make sure everything fits really well and materials feel nice and comfortable.
  • Make sure your dressing room has perfect light, temperature and a mirror that does not make you look distorted. The simpler the better.
  • Accessories are key and your current favourite ones should have a special place. It saves time and makes your look complete. Change them every other week so it does not get boring.
  • Give yourself a time slot of 10 minutes to put an outfit together and some make-up, it’s enough time. The less time you need, the more authentic you will look. Be YOU!
  • Have a drawer or hangers put together ready styled with your favourite outfits. Especially when you are traveling or working in an office a lot, combine your favourite pieces when you are in the mood so you can get dressed quickly in the morning without having to think too hard.
  • Atmosphere is key and music makes a big difference. Put on Maggy’s mix and your will intuitively put the right clothes together. We promise, it works!