The end of summer has a melancholic touch. I don’t know if this is a personal feeling or are we all a little sad about the fact that days are getting shorter, temperatures drop, flowers are less blooming . . .
Let´s put all the sad feelings aside and read what IRMA is looking forward to
- Autumn is the next best/favourite season. It is about harvesting. Fruits and legumes are in full blossom, high in fruticose and flavour, everything you eat now has the most nutritious value, so stock up on vitamins and minerals that get you through winter.
Cannes, Côte d’Azur - The good thing is that you will take more advantage of your home now as days are getting shorter. Make your home cosy and comfortable where you look forward coming home at night. You can still find beautiful flowers in autumn that bring colour into your interior or go for bold leafs and foulage which can be dried so that they last longer, like Hortensia for example.
Pick these balloon-like blossoms, hang them upside down and let them dry, they will last until next spring.Hotel Belles Rives, Juan les Pins
- Take advantage of the sea and if you can, spend a weekend at the med. The sea is rich in minerals and it does not get cleaner than it is now with still warm temperatures to take a swim. Walk bare food along the beach and exfoliate your body in the waves to get your skin ready for winter.
La Croisette, Cannes - Eat all you can get from the sea, especially oysters which are high in zinc and stabilize your immune system for the cold season.
Brun, fish restaurant in Cannes - The best is that with every change of season you should reinvent yourself a tiny bit. That might start with a new coat for winter, a new haircut, new colours, make up etc. Autumn is about a new start, just like spring.
Ananlondree dress - Show as much your bare tanned summer skin as you can and stock up on natural vitamin D. Also, your tan will be prolonged by fresh air. Use up your sun care, especially when it is by Guayapi, Huile Solaire. This sun care has only natural sun protection and is high in vitamin from pure coconut oil, it leaves your skin with a golden tone.
IRMA in Cannes