Detox Day & Night


MUNICH: The other day when I was walking along the Isarauen with our dog Polly I felt the strong urge to completely cleanse my body before it will be getting cold and icy outside.

I went to the Viktualienmarkt and bought all kinds of fruits and vegetables by colour and decided to take a day off, enjoy the fresh air and put some beautiful thoughts and pictures in my mind.

But when the sun went down I felt all of a sudden very tired and decided to take an early rest. I took my clothes off and stuck my green tea detox patches by Dream On from The Toxic Twins on my feet. They will stay on all night and do the rest of the clean-up while I am sleeping.

The next morning I felt fresh and revived, the patches had changed their colour into a darker shade which must have been all the evil wanting to get out of my system. A day and night can make a big change.

My liver detox juice:
For this juice I use dandelion and some other great greens. They are high in calcium and other essential minerals, loaded with antioxidants, are anti-inflammatory and best of all, are the ultimate detoxing green.
Why dandelions? The ones bought in a health food store, these hearty, organic greens have a long history of use as an herbal remedy for anything from promoting gastrointestinal health to restoring proper immune function. They are also an extremely effective diuretic which helps to support the draining organs such as the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

1 romaine lettuce
4 celery stalks
1 handful of parsley
1 handful of dandelion greens
1 apple

My liver detox recipe that works wonders, beautiful pictures for the mind, a fresh cleansing salad works wonders: organic mixed salad greens, garlic herbs, zucchini, parsley, cilantro, scallions and basil, walk along the water, no matter if it is the sea, a lake or a river.
My liver detox recipe that works wonders, beautiful pictures for the mind, a fresh cleansing salad works wonders: organic mixed salad greens, garlic herbs, zucchini, parsley, cilantro, scallions and basil, walk along the water, no matter if it is the sea, a lake or a river.