A cultural escape balances your mind and makes your thoughts cheerful.
The functions of the human brain throughout its development are shaped by our environment. The social environment, in turn, is shaped by culture. And part of our culture are the arts which is proven that it enhances brain function and well-being.
Any kind of art, fine art, music, theatre, etc. influences our brain and the nervous system, and can actually raise serotonin levels that make us happy.
The arts also create pictures and images in our brain that influences our vision on the world. We know it is important to educate young children in the field of the art. Why do we stop making art the older we get? Wouldn’t it help us to get a positive light on our lives, especially now, in times of social distancing?
To make it short, the arts are invaluable to our proper functioning individually and as a society.

We escaped very spontaneously to Salzburg to hear a reading by the award-winning actress Sunnyi Melles of Walther von der Vogelweide at the Galerie Thaddeus Ropac. The poet’s lyrics had influenced the German painter’s latest series, on exhibition at the gallery and it was a feast to hear her reading the lyrics from the middle ages that sound so current as if written yesterday. With that in mind visiting the gallery rooms and looking at Anselm Kiefer’s work made me see more in each image and why it is painted as it is.

Before, in the late afternoon sun, we visited Schloss Leopoldskron and without planning run into their Vice President Daniel Szelényi who told us in a very passionate way about the history of this magical place.

At that early evening people gathered around the romantic park on blankets enjoying their chilled champagne to listen to “Shakespeare in the Park”. What a brilliant idea to feed and inspire our senses.

Although we had only spent half a day in Salzburg we returned home with clear and open mind. Driving the new Rolls Royce Dawn Silver Bullet who feels, drives and looks like a piece of art itself.