The Amanwella is a place that appears picture perfect the minute you arrive and walk along towards the main area of the hotel. Everything appears in the right light, dimension and structure to give you the feeling of being in a total harmonious place.
The view above the giant pool is stunning and also becomes a cinemascope during different times of the day.
You might find the inviting white sandy beach the perfect place to spend your day but there is more to it. Might it be a pottery class with one of Sri Lanka’s most famous pottery artist or a cooking class to learn not only about the Sri Lankan Cuisine but also the people and culture of this little paradise. We decided to take a cooking class.
As the one thing you definitely take home with you from Sri Lanka is the taste and smell of its fine food, especially the curries. To learn more about it we joint Chef Anoj for a cooking class in Amanwella’s outdoor kitchen by the beach.
Curry basically describes a blend of ground spices (also called curry powder) and main ingredients, usually including ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and fresh or dried chilies.
These are used in varying combinations which go to create a wide range of dishes such as spicy, hot and mild, sweet and sour etc.
Under the supervision of Chef Anoj you start preparing the curry by cutting the vegetables (garlic, onions, tomatoes, ginger, pandan leaves, etc). The various curries are all based on these vegetables and then refined with the curry spices. And coconut is it various forms is everywhere. Be it as coconut oil, milk or thick milk, but also the traditional cooking spoons are made from coconut wood and the table cover is made from its leaves.
The nice thing about the cocking class is the chat. Whilst cooking with an unobstructed view of the crushing waves on the beach and listening to their sound, you talk about all kind of things, learn about the life and culture of the Sri Lankan people.
In one hour, we created about ten different curries and side dishes which were then served on our little table at the beach.
A very stimulating experience.
Thank you for the collaboration with