IRMA’s favorite DIYs

Strolling around the Maison d’Objets fair with our Guest Editor Zoe Warncke in Paris last month gave us the idea to redecorate our own walls a little bit this spring. A new lamp, a cup for the morning coffee and a unique way of getting some storage for flowers , books, etc. Have a look at our favorite blogs that know best how to come up with a creative idea that looks great and is at the same time fun to create.

Paper-Starburst-934xPaper starburst pendant lamp
We are intrigued by this cool looking lamp that we found on the 3 Rs Blog (“Reduce, Reuse & Redecorate” is their motto). It’s truly a labor of love – you have to cut countless slim triangles of from vellum paper and glue them together in circles. Make sure the pieces have roughly the same length & width (here: about 7.5 x 23 cm) and off the center of each new row so that the spaces between each piece are covered with the overlap.


diybottleHanging belt vase
This hanging vessel from Poppytalk can be used as a vase, a terrarium or a lantern. All you need is a glass bottle and two slim belts – one will be wrapped around the neck of the jar (you will need to punch in a new hole and cut off the rest) and the other will be wrapped from the bottom up buckling at the top.


Watercolor mug
On the same blog we found this amazing watercolor mug with big splashes of colour made from – nail polish! And it’s super simple, too: Just fill a disposable bowl with warm water, add a drop of nail polish and let it spread out. Then dip your mug in the water. You can use nail polish remover to remove any excess nail polish on the bottom and inside of the mug. Carefully pat dry, then let it sit for at least two hours. This may not be dishwasher safe, so we recommend hand-washing the mug.