Are you looking for inner peace, the ability to calm down in seconds and to see all the positiveness in life?

I lately found out that this can be easily achieved by learning how to meditate. I did some research and asked friends who already since years integrated meditation into their daily routine. The more I found out, the more I thought, I should start doing it. I finally found a way which helped and let me learn how to meditate. It all started with a four-day trip to the Amanruya in Bodrum.
The AMANRUYA, is a very small resort laid in a lush Turkish countryside by the coastline outside of Bodrum. The resort consists of 36 individual pavilions designed in a simplicity of highest quality, just all you need to please your mind.

Yes, I am talking about the true essence of luxury focusing on the given beauty of what is there and helps you again to focus on true values in life.
This place seemed to be the perfect destination for my meditation plans.
Actually, you will want to remain in your house with the private infinity pool for the entire stay and although the Yoga room is magnificent you will prefer to do early yoga Assanas in your room.
The only tempting getaway on the property is the cozy beach that find after a 15 minute walk by the sea.
Come in the morning for an early morning swim and be united with the Aegean Sea listening to the waves.

When ordering your food do not expect Michelin Chef Cuisine rather the essence of regional products perfected by the chef. The flavors of fresh garden herbs, fresh fish and homemade breads are a treat and will also add to your infinite well-being.
Although there is a spa I rather used the homemade sea salt scrub at my bathroom’s tub to soak my body in while enjoying the indirect lights of the typical Turkish architecture hitting the water.
After two days of inhaling this place, meditation comes easily and through the surrounding and environment your mind is set to take time off during the day, even if it is only for ten minutes.

Let me explain to you how I started to meditate and if you do not want to learn it by yourself at home from June onwards you can book meditation classes at the Amanruya, besides Yoga Lessons.
- Sit in the garden and listen to the sound of the pool. If you are at Amanruya or at home sit in a park by a waterfront. Try to listen to each individual tone. Really concentrate on listening and find the unique noise.
- When sitting with crossed legs or laying down (easier at the beginning) on your pavilion canapé or at home on a yoga mat on your balcony or garden feel each wind blow on your skin and hair, like someones hand touching you.
- When you will enter your Villa, the design, furniture and light will give you a welcoming feeling. Try to analyze what strikes your eye the most and why.
I was fascinated by the soft wood of the chairs and their design, and the fine linen curtains around the bed, the overall light is soft and calming and I saw all the benefits of how to furnish my bedroom at home. It is all about simplicity. - Have you ever noticed when a beautiful view looks like a painting?
Look for the different shades and details, the distances and perspective . It is almost like painting with your mind.
At home find your favorite spot in the countryside and keep on coming back, you will always discover something new. - If you are a swimmer go as many times during the day for a swim in the Aegean Sea. You will be bathed in good energy and the salt makes you almost swim like a fish.

Always keep in mind your body is a shell, treat it well and your mind will only have half the work to do.
At home find a lake, riverside or natural pool around your house. Natural water sides have more energy than enclosed pools. In Munich I love the Maria Einsiedel Naturbad.

We recomend a 4 Day stay at the Amanruya.
If you are into recharging your energies than do not leave the hotel, except for an excursion on a bike or a hike through the hills.
If you want to experience Bodrum in a bohemian and lush way
This story was made possible with the generous support of the Amanruya in Bodrum.