Jewellery designer Begüm Kiroglu gets us in the mood for summer holidays with the launch of our new What are you up to this summer? series. The jewellery designer adds fabulous pieces to our summer wardrobes, inspired by flora and fauna with her always stunning collection under the name Begüm Khan and brings her unique summer style to Bodrum this year.
IRMA: Where will you spend this summer?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: This summer we are opening a new store with Lucca at the Mandarin Oriental in Bodrum, so most of my time will be spent there. However, I plan to take some trips abroad and within the country in between.
IRMA: Are there any personal rituals that you always do when you are on summer vacation?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: I love the sun. Seeing it, feeling it and spending time with it makes me feel good. That’s why I can say that my biggest ritual is to see the sun through the window when I wake up in the morning. Apart from that, being around inspiring people and reading my favourite books while sunbathing are some of the things that make summer the best for me.
IRMA: What are the essentials for your skin care and wellness routine?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: I have very sensitive skin. That’s why I make sure I use perfume-free products. I think the secret to my skin is drinking lots of water. I make a conscious effort to drink lots of water. Because I have allergies, I’m careful about what I eat and drink. Eating healthy and staying balanced not only makes my body happy but also lifts my spirits.
IRMA: What are you taking with you?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: Maxi skirts, cropped tops, the book I’m reading, my perfume and, of course, Begüm Khan pieces.
IRMA: The food and drink you associate most with your summer holidays?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: Although I try to avoid gluten, I guess my answer would be lobster linguini and a Tequila Clase Azul.
IRMA: Any books you are looking forward to reading?
BEGÜM KIROGLU: Princess Remembers: Memoirs of the Maharani of Jaipur – Gayatri Devi
IRMA: This summer will be different, because ….
BEGÜM KIROGLU: Because it is going to be a summer filled with people I love, with exciting projects that I am really excited about, and with a mix of fun and work!