Make a bun or let’s meet at the Chignon Bar in Paris


The bun is the classic hair style, if I might call it this, which works everywhere and anytime for always. Christoph Nicolas Biot developed a business with the Chignon (a hair knot where the hair is somewhere fixed loose or tight on your head) in Paris where he opened his first CHIGNON BAR in the heart of St. Germain. I met him for a chat about the famous chignon.

IRMA: How did you get the idea to do a Bar à Chignon?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: Sitting on the terrace of the Café Flore in 2010, I was observing women with long hair rushing past me during an hour. And then I told myself, We have to do something for these women, something new that will make them feel beautiful and also to have a great hairdressing done quickly with a result of great allure!

IRMA: What is the idea behind your concept?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: The concept is based on money (not too expensive) and time (quick). In just ten minutes and for 20 euros you can have a bohemian-style chic or something very natural like braids. 120 euros is for a special class to learn how to do three different buns yourself.

IRMA: How is a typical day for you?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: A typical day from Monday to Wednesday starts for me at 7am with a green juice from By Biot, my juice bar at the Salon. Then I am reading the news and I am drinking a coffee while I am checking my news feed and different posts on Facebook, Instagram and all the social media. From 9am until 11am, I meet my assistant at the office, which is above my hairdresser store at Saint Germain des Près. Then I’m going to the colour bar and at 2pm I am at the apartment Rive Droite. I never do lunch, it makes me yawn and tired. LOL! On Thursdays, I am in the studios for some photo shootings for magazines. On Friday and Saturday, I work on my clients’ hair, which is good for me to keep the contact with my team and to keep my foot on earth. It is a great reality check. Around 8pm, I’m answering my last emails and I’m going home. So these are my typical days in Paris and when I’m not abroad doing some shows or giving master classes.

IRMA: Which decade is your favorite – the 50s, 60s or 70s?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: I like all the different decades as they have something special to tell which is very often connected to the political, economic and social situation of the decade.
The 50s I like for the glamorous style and the after war. The ambiance was pretty cinematographic at that time. The 60s for the freedom of the youth, who took the power through the music, rock and roll, etc… It was already the announcement of a free world coming in the 70s. The 80s were the end of creativity in lots of domain… Concerning the fashion world, I liked a lot the 20s, 30s, 50s and 70s, and for the hairdressing style, I liked the 20s, 30s, 50s and 60s. So if I had to pick only two, it would be the 60s and 70s.

IRMA: Which chignon is in fashion right now?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: The buns of braids.

IRMA: How many chignons are done per day in the bar?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: On Saturdays, it can go up to 50.

IRMA: What is the best way to make your hair shine?
CHRISTOPH NICOLAS BIOT: Brush your hair on a regular base at least twice a day, flush it with vinegar or some drops of lemon and end your shower with cold water on your hair.