ANTWERP: Meet our latest Guest Editor, architect Kirsten Scholz, from Munich who just visited Antwerp for IRMASWORLD. A great city to look for three-dimensional inspiration and ideas to reset your mind, not only if you think about the walls you live in.
IRMA: Kirsten, tell me, why is Antwerp such an influential city when it comes to architecture?
KIRSTEN SCHOLZ: The city of Antwerp has always been an important trade and financial centre which created a certain wealth that is reflected through the splendid houses built in the various eras.
IRMA: When you walked through Antwerp, what really inspired you?
K.SCH.: For example: Guiette House designed by Le Corbusier in 1926 is considered to be one of his most unknown works and it was once occupied by Belgian fashion designer Ann Demeulemeester. Antwerp has a very creative atmosphere, you can see the mixture of fashion, design, art and architecture reflected in shops, museums as well as fashion or photo design schools. It is very inspiring.
IRMA: Is there a certain trend you noticed that you think you would like to develop?
K.SCH.: At the moment you see a lot of architecture in the style of the 50s and 60s. I always loved the architecture from Richard Neutra. If you look at his architecture it is unbelievable how forward-looking and advanced his architectural design was. You could assume that some of his buildings were designed nowadays… This is for me a continuous source of inspiration.
IRMA: Regarding your own apartment/house, what would you like to change immediately for the new year?
K.SCH: I would change the colours in our apartment. I love for example the old colours from Le Corbusier produced by kt.color or colours by Farrow & Ball. I cannot decide which one to use for myself, but I am always very sure about the colours for my clients. My current favorite is for example the combination of hague blue and india yellow. Nice colours from VIA are for example: Finkenblau, Nachtblau, Seladongrün, Helitrop or Rosenholz
IRMA: Your advice if you live in a small apartment?
K.SCH.: Hidden storage, floor lights to visually heighten the ceilings and to create a cosy atmosphere in combination with using nice, dark intensive colours. I’d try to create clear zones within the floor plan, for example by building a pedestal for an area with a special function: living or sleeping.
IRMA:. Any ideas for a perfect light?
K.SCH.: I love cleverly positioned, indirect light in combination with vintage table lights. Wherever it fits, I use floor lights. Every light must be dimmable.
IRMA: Can I have a peek into your address book regarding the places you really liked in Antwerp?
K.SCH.: Of course you can! Here are my most favorite venues in the city:
- The Jane
- Graanmarkt 13
- Foto Museum
- Copyright Bookshop
- Fiskebar
IRMA: Where do you look for new ideas?
K.SCH.: I look everywhere. I get inspired by travelling, books, in the cinema, museum or at the opera. How did they work with colour and light on stage? Does it all work out with the whole play? I love monochrome stage settings including the colour and fabrics of the costumes, the background and the light.
IRMA: Thank you, Kirsten! It was a pleasure talking to you.