This year we like to focus on capitalizing on what we already have.
Of course, you can still focus on your favourite proven Christmas decorations and shouldn’t be without them. But in these weeks, it is also nice to create something with your own hands that will last for the upcoming holidays.
Here are eight easy steps for making an Advent wreath that is made by you and reflects also your sense of style.
- Buy a readymade wreath at the farmers market or your favourite flower shop.
- We took the rest of a fabric we have used for a tablecloths and I am sure everyone has some left over fabric maybe from shortening a dress.
- Cut long wide stripes (about 100 cm x 10 cm) and iron the fabric.
- If you like you can decorate the fabric by sewing a ribbon on top or by painting onto the fabric with textile paints.
- Buy candles with a matching colour to the fabric and the size you like.
- Heat up little metal sticks with a lighter and stick them into the bottom of the candle. Like this you can fix the candle onto the wreath.
- Once the candles are fixed tie bows in the size and shape you like, fix them with a thin ribbon in the middle of the bow and tie them to the wreath.
- Once all candles have a bow next to them decorate the wreath with either things you find in the wood, like leaves or pinecones or with things from your kitchen, like pomegranates, apples or cinnamon sticks.
- Ready!
Have wonderful First of Advent afternoon tea with your wreath.
We would like to thank “Blumen die Leben” in Munich for providing us with the material used for this wreath