Collecting Memories

NIYAMA: Creating a travel scrapbook is the best way to hold on to your memories. It is great fun to collect everything which inspires your eyes while traveling and somehow put it all together for your personal travel guide. Whether you use a scrapbook made of fine paper (Smythson) or a digitally arranged photo documentation which will be printed out in a book format and waiting at your doorstep when you return from your holiday. The book can be also used as a personal travel guide for yourself when you return to your travel destination or as a guide which you might want to give to a friend or family member as a present.

1.Your travel destination, city, adventure or sport wherever you love to explore.

2. Sketchbooks and drawing books with good paper quality so you can even use water colour and glue on heavier weight paper.

3. The best tools are my great collection of 120 coloured pencils POLYCHROMOS byFaber-Castell. They travel with me to wherever I go.

4. Paper glue, pins and masking tapes. You might want to use different colours of masking tape for several sections of your book. For example food & beverage notes taped in with red and shopping address business cards in pink.

5. Plastic foil or mini bags to hold substances like white sand from your favorite beach.
